Sharing the Joy of Software/Delphi in the .NET world

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Preparing for the next Economic Upbeat

Heather had a good discussion on how to prepare for the next upswing for the economy. I just found it again today. I forgot that I had commented about it on her site. The points that she makes are even more valuable today then June 14 when she wrote it. You should spend some time during the next week preparing for how to build your network and how you can spark conversations within your network that will enlighten, enhance and uplift it. You should also do her first point and get your resume up to date. You never know when you might need it. We all spend time and energy on exercising, our family life and our fun time, but how much time do we spend on really preaparing ourselves for our career paths? Most of us let others control the path.


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